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The key values of IEEE membership are technical innovation, access to cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. IEEE memberships support IEEE's mission to advance technology for humanity and the profession. At the same time, memberships build a platform to introduce technology careers to students around the world.
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The key values of IEEE membership are technical innovation, access to cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. IEEE memberships support IEEE's mission to advance technology for humanity and the profession. At the same time, memberships build a platform to introduce technology careers to students around the world.

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IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference
The IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference was held in Valletta, Malta between the 7th and the 10th December 2014. The conference attracted around 140 attendees from 25 different countries who presented their recent research work. The programme included two tutorials, three keynote speeches, 18 presentation sessions, and 3 poster sessions. The conference was […]
Winners of Robot Wars 2015
Once again Robot Wars 2015 came to an end. Well done to all those who made it happen especially Malta IEEE Student branch for organising the event and those who have built this years robots. The event was hosted by Dr Owen Falzon . Dr Owen Casha, Chairman of IEEE Malta Section addressed the event. Click Here to see interview. The […]
The Serhatköy Photovoltaic Power Plant on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Speaker: Dr Ing Fulcieri Maltini SMIEEE, PES, Comsoc Date: Thursday 21st May 2015 Venue: Faculty of ICT Auditorium, University of Malta Time: 18:00 FM Consultants Associates, France Abstract Dr Ing Maltini will be delivering a presentation on the Serhartköy Photovoltaic Power Plant. Under a grant provided by the Council of the European Union to support the Turkish-Cypriot Community, […]
Malta Section has been recognised for meeting its recruitment goal for the 2015
Dear Malta Section Committee 2015, I am pleased to recognize the Malta Section for meeting its recruitment goal for the 2015 membership year. Congratulations! The membership development goals were developed based on your Section’s three year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership in the Malta Section. In recognition of […]
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